January 2024

EdventureCo Debuts On Real Leaders Top Impact Companies For 2024

edventureco real leaders top impact companies 2024

EdventureCo is pleased to announce that it has been recognised as one of Real Leaders’ Top Impact Companies for 2024. The company debuted on the prestigious list at #52 out of 185 honourees.

The Real Leaders Impact Awards celebrates the contributions of the world’s top impact-driven organisations.

EdventureCo’s inclusion aligns with its mission of adopting sustainable practices in its operations. As a certified B Corporation, the company is committed to raising business standards and creating a positive impact on the life and livelihood of its communities through education.

Michael Hui, EdventureCo’s Executive Director, said: “On behalf of our incredible team at EdventureCo, we are honoured to be part of Real Leaders’ Top Impact Companies list for 2024. This recognition strengthens our resolve to contribute to a better future for all by pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability in upskilling our clients’ workforces across digital, soft, and future skills.”

For more News & Insights, stay tuned to the EdventureCo website.

About EdventureCo

EdventureCo is a B Corporation-certified premium provider of digital, soft, and future skills training that prepares the workforce of today for success tomorrow.

About Real Leaders

Real Leaders is the fastest-growing community for impact leaders backed by a global media platform dedicated to driving positive change. Founded in 2010, Real Leaders recognized and advocated that businesses take more responsibility to be as cognizant of their impact on employees, society, and the planet as they are on their bottom line. Real Leaders is an independently owned certified B Corporation and member of the UN Global Compact. Our mission is to unite farsighted leaders to transform our shortsighted world.

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